Sacramento Linux Users’ Group

Find Our Meetings

SacLUG meets at various locations

Kupros Craft House in Midtown Sacramento:

1217 21st Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States, Earth
3rd Planet Inner Solar System, Orion Arm
Milky Way, Virgo Supercluster
Laniakea Supercluster

Or if you want some earth relative coordinates:

HGFC+95 Sacramento, California


Google MapsMapQuestHERE Maps

Kupros is located in Midtown Sacramento, on the corner of 21st & Liestal Alley.

By car: From the Northeast take 80 West and merge on to the Cap-City freeway (Buisness loop 80) and take the P street exit, get into the right hand lane to turn right onto 21st st (passing Suzie burger on your left).

As you are headed down 21st street, find somewhere to park; Kupros is just after Capitol ave.

S.E.G.R.(Something Extra Gather Room) at Bel Air Market #502

in the Garden of the Gods district of Arden Arcade:

4320 Arden Way
Sacramento, CA 95864
United States, Earth
3rd Planet Inner Solar System, Orion Arm
Milky Way, Virgo Supercluster
Laniakea Supercluster

Or if you want some earth relative coordinates:

HJVP+VH Sacramento, California

2023-12-03: After some discussion, we have agreed to meet in the “Something Extra Gather Room” of a Bel Air in arden arcade. Don’t worry, they have beer! :^)


Google MapsMapQuestHERE Maps

Bel Air #502 is located directly the across the street from the Whole Foods. Enter through the left hand sliding door of the Bel Air and immediately turn left into “The Taproom” area of the store. The S.E.G.R. is located behind the frosted glass doors on the left.

pictographic map showing path from outside bel air market to meeting room interior of Bel Air #502 with arrow and text pointing to frosted glass doors of meeting room

By car: add some driving directions here

By transit: add some transit directions here